Committees & Clubs
The most important part of what we do is community building.
This is a sacred task which transcends even individual or single acts of observance; it calls upon us to be there for one another.
A modern congregation is focused on relationships. In our coming together as a holy community, though, there is communal work to be done, and ways in which congregations are often organized which provide pathways to involvement. Here, then, are some opportunities and needs which help us both connect with each other and reach our goals.Â
This is a sample list, subject to change. Not all groups listed below are currently active. And we welcome your input and suggestions, your ideas, and energy as well.Â
For more information or if you would like to join one of the committees below, contact our office.Â
To learn more about a specific committee or club click on the links below to jump quickly to that section.

Mitzvah Corps/Caring Committee
Offers support during periods of illness, isolation, and/or bereavement.
Includes assistance with transportation (to services and programs or appointments); help with shopping; visits to homes and hospitals; meals; making calls and sending notes and cards.

Social Action
Tikkun Olam
Organizes projects and activities which focus on Tikkun Olamârepairing the world. Builds relationships both inside and outside our synagogue as we work together to make the world a better place.

This committee helps to both plan and execute synagogue programming throughout the year, including communal meals and off-site activities.

Young Families
We plan and provide programming for young families and although children are welcome to all services, we have a special family-focused service monthly for them too. See our calendar to join us for the next Family Shabbat Service.

Religious and Family Education/Youth
Planning and helping run programs through our Religious School, Family Education programs, and on-line learning opportunities for our youth; promote and support social programs, summer camp, and Israel experiences for youth.

Adult Education/Life Long-Learning
Helps envision, promote and support a varied program of life-long learning, within the congregation and the community at large, for those of all backgrounds and levels.
We are committed to Jewish learning as a life-long journey, for those with deep backgrounds and those totally new to Jewish life alike, for members of our own congregation and for the community. Our topics range from broad introduction and easy access approaches, to traditional text study, and from classrooms to cooking experiences and films. We welcome your input and ideas about what would be meaningful to you.
If youâre interested in adult education, please email us to discuss any future classes:

Welcoming and Hospitality
Hachnasat Orâchim
Helps acclimate newcomers (including clergy and staff) in their transition to life on the island.

Employee issues, reviews and policies, and personnel changes with board approval.

Maintain and operate real estate and property of the synagogue building and community house.

Ways and Means
Coordinates and organizes ways of supporting the synagogue, including our Annual Arts Auction.

Chesed Shel Emet
For the upkeep and preservation of our historic cemeteries.
Click HERE to learn more about our cemeteries and their fascinating history.