General Donations and Support

Your donations, your support — and above all your interest and your presence — are what allows Jewish life on this small speck in the middle of the Caribbean to survive, and to thrive.
We thank you.

Donate Online

Please use the following form to quickly and securely donate online.

If you’d like to speak with one of our staff
regarding your donation please call:
(340) 774-4312

Prefer to donate with your personal check?
Make your check* out to:
The Hebrew Congregation of St. Thomas
PO Box 266
St. Thomas, VI 00804

Remember to sign your check!

**Please note: at this time we can only accept US checks**

Physical Address

2116 Crystal Gade
St. Thomas
VI 00802

Mailing Address:

PO Box 266, St. Thomas, VI 00804

Operating Hours & Tours

Mondays – Fridays
10am – 2pm

Shabbat Services – 6:30pm on Fridays.
